Friday, October 17, 2008

Contest: Win Conor Oberst Tickets!

Its Friday!

So lets take it easy and do it right kids. This Sunday San Diego is being treated to some amazing shows, how lucky are we! Don’t believe me, check the listings sucker! You know, sometimes we might complain when our favorite bands miss our sunny little burb, but really we get some pretty darn good ones considering how close we that other Southern Cali town… no not Pomona. The first treat this Sunday is Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band at Soma. I really don’t need to tell you all how great his Bright Eyes stuff is, you all know it. I don’t need to tell you how cool I though Letting Off the Happiness was, and then how just blown away I was by Lifted. And I for sure don’t need to tell you about I’m Wide awake, its Morning or about how Four Winds and Coat Check Dream Song off Cassadaga are two of the coolest songs. You guys know all this stuff. What I do want to tell you is that he’s got this new thing going, yes you guessed it, Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band, and let me tell you…its good. What… you don’t believe me, are you calling me a liar!?! Ok, I’ll tell you what, we’ll have a li’l contest!

If you want a pair of tickets email your full name and phone number to sddialedin AT gmail DOT com Put “I Love Conor” in the subject line. We’ll pick a winner tomorrow, probably at noon, though maybe later, because we’re going out tonight and we may want to sleep in. You know what, actually, we might even pick a winner Sunday morning, why? Because that’s how we roll. But don’t worry we’ll call you before Noon on Sunday. We’re not evil, we’re just lazy.

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