Thursday, April 16, 2020

CoViD-19: Sea World Does Good | Is Expired Food Really Expired | County Gets Fact-Checked | CoVid-19 Butterfly Effect | Pride & Symphony Cancel

A photo from Sea World - Taken December 2019
I decided to use this photo from Sea World today because earlier today I saw a video Sea World releasing rehabbed sea lions and a harbor seal and it brought me joy. It was a pretty rough day yesterday, I just couldn't shake the negativity, the president was more obscene than usual, the mayor released his budget with some drastic cuts, and it just felt like a lot of bad news just kept pouring in. But I turned it off for awhile, connected with my sister and nieces and a friend on HouseParty, had a 'speakeasy' night with Darren in our studio and woke up feeling in a much better mood today. Today Nova and Darren picked up some Dudley's bread that was part of her band fundraiser and we got an amazing apple berry pie for which I made fresh whipped cream. It was also really fun tuning into Seaport Sessions and though there were some technical difficulties, I have so much love for the San Diego music scene and watching with everyone chatting was a huge plus. I've got a busy Friday ahead of me so I'll put this out into the world and hope everyone is finding ways to keep their spirits up during this insane time. Lots of stuff after the jump.

  • One of the last emails I looked at yesterday was strangely comforting, so I thought I'd lead with that one today. This is a great newsletter for parents (not just dads).

    You’re Not Stressed. You’re Grieving. - Fatherly Newsletter
Dr. Regina Koepp, clinical psychologist of the Emory University School of Medicine Department of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences:  “We’re in this kind of emergency state and everybody’s destabilized. It’s really scary, and we’re experiencing loss because we’ve lost our sense of security. The other thing that makes COVID-19 really tricky is that the destination isn’t clear. With anticipatory grief, we’re not anticipating that we’re going to be grieving. We’re in the process of grieving before we actually lose the thing. You don’t get to choose if you’re grieving. If you have a friend who’s going through a major transition, they’re not gonna say, ‘Dude, I’m totally grieving right now. I’m going to do this major shift in my life,’ because we don’t have language for that as a society. They’ll probably say, ‘Dude, I’m so stressed out right now. I don’t really feel like hanging out. I’m drinking too much.” But the reality is he’s grieving.” 
This is a similar vibe from Dan Rather.  
"It's ok to take a break. It's ok to not know about every injustice. It's ok to breathe or read a book or watch a silly movie. The accounting is ongoing. You can tune in later and catch up. There are people on the watch. And there is much more to the world that will demand our attention, and more importantly, our love." 

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