Thursday, May 14, 2020

CoViD-19: California Budget Revision | Cats & Bunny Disease Dangers | Soda Bar Hoodies | LA County To Open More Recreation | Covidiot Ammosexuals

It looks like today is going to be a big news day, so I'm gonna just share this now and I'll work on another post for the City and County briefings, plus a bunch of news articles I've gathered since last night. I finally caught up with sleep with a late afternoon nap, then vegging on the couch to catch up on my Bravo shows while Darren was in the studio recording, and then reading for a bit before going to sleep by 2am...much more in line with my normal Casbah lifestyle than staying up until 8am. It's been a chill couple days, we haven't left the house at all since my early week Costco trip, but I think we may go for a coastal drive or walk or hike or bike ride at some point this evening because I've literally gone from walking 3-5 miles a day to big fat zero. I know the picture I used today isn't the best, but that little bird was so bright and I'd never seen it around before and it gives me a goal for a new camera and better lenses, which was supposed to happen in 2020 but may just have to wait until 2021. I'm off to see my butterfly now. Lots of info after the jump.

  • Humans are not the only ones suffering from disease outbreaks. I'm hoping that because my Bun Bun seems to be a solo and isolated animal, hopefully she doesn't get sick.
  • And while we're talking animals. We already knew cats could contract Covid-19. 
  • I'm sick of MAGA covidiots. I'm sick of ammosexuals. I'm sick of barely sheathed white nationalism. I'm sick of anyone giving any oxygen to these uneducated blathering morons. Yet, here I am sharing another article. 
  • Governor Newsom's Daily Briefing was mostly about unveiling budget revisions. It's super boring and there's a lot of detail and Newsom (and I say this lovingly) loves to talk. State will have a projected $54.3 Billion shortfall. This is NOT the worst defiicit for the state in history. A balanced budget is constitutionally required. Money will be paced out over the next three years. If you really want to see the budget, it will be available here. How to get to 100% of Budget: 15% CARES act. 16% Reserves (3 different 'rainy day' funds). 19% will be bonds/deferrals. 15% Removing January Budget "Enhancements". Budget Cuts 26% including Heroes Act (Trump could literally stop this cut by providing state relief from Federal government) 8% Tightening Tax Credits/Operating Losses. Health care subsidies won't be expanded but they will not be cut. He closed the press briefing with a sick scolding of the president. 
  • Los Angeles Reveals Specific Updates to Stay-At-Home order. We haven't really been in-step with LA County, but I've noticed jurisdictions are not exactly reinventing the wheel with each new order, so it is quite possible that these things may be adopted by other jurisdictions since they took the time to lay out some crazy specific rules. This is copied directly from a Los Angeles County press release. These changes go into effect in LA County on Friday, May 15th:
"As its top priority, LA County Parks is taking precautions to ensure the health and safety of park guests, visitors, team members, and the community. LA County Parks continues to assess operations daily in consultation with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health on necessary safety requirements.
Specific restrictions and safety guidelines required at these park amenities in accordance with the health officer order include, but are not limited to:
    •  Tennis and Pickleball Courts
      • Physical distancing of six (6) feet must be maintained at all times.
      • Only singles play will be permitted.
      • Each participant must bring their own bucket of balls with their initials on each ball. Participants will only be permitted to handle their own tennis and pickleball balls.
      • Participants will be required to wear face coverings at all times except during play.
      • Bring water and hand sanitizer or disinfecting wipes to wash and sanitize hands frequently.
      • A maximum of one-hour play will be allowed on heavy traffic days.
      • Private lessons are allowed using proper physical distancing techniques. Both the student and instructor will be required to wear face coverings. No lessons involving two (2) or more tennis or pickleball students are allowed.
      • Payment of any fees shall be done on-line and/or utilizing an outdoor facing window or door.
    • Equestrian Centers
      • Physical distancing of six (6) feet is required at all times.
      • Face coverings are required at all times while in the common areas, including, without limitation, parking lots and stables.
      • Face masks are not required during riding so long as physical distancing is maintained.
      • Facility operator and staff shall wear a face covering and gloves at all times.
      • Rides (Horse string) will be a single file and a maximum of four (4) riders at a time while practicing physical distancing. This is for trail use only.
      • Private horse lessons will require proper physical distancing, and both instructors and students must wear face coverings at all times.
      • Lessons shall be a maximum of two (2) participants at a time and conducted in a round pen. Round pen must be large enough to allow for physical distancing during lessons.
      • Maximum number of riders in a round pen shall be determined by the size of the pen. At all times, round pens must be large enough to allow for physical distancing.
      • Only one (1) horse and one (1) boarder will be allowed within the wash racks at a time.
      • All boarders must use their own wash rack supplies, and hoses will be sanitized regularly.
      • Payment of any fees shall be done on-line and/or utilizing an outdoor facing window or door.
    • BMX Bike Areas
      • Physical distancing of six (6) feet is required at all times.
      • Face coverings will be required at all times.
      • Facility operator shall ensure that the entrance to the BMX Areas and/or Bike Park is single file – one participant at a time allowing for a six (6)-foot distance between participants.
      • No rentals will be offered.
      • Private lessons will be allowed while practicing physical distancing. There shall be no lessons involving more than two (2) people. 
      • No tournaments will be allowed.
      • Doors, entrances, and/or gates shall remain open during regular operational hours.
      • Payment of fees shall be done on-line and/or utilizing an outdoor facing window or door.
      • Food and beverage will be grab and go and will follow the Los Angeles County Public Health Order and protocols.
    • Archery, Trap and Skeet, and Outdoor Recreation Shooting Ranges
      • Face coverings will be required at all times.
      • Physical distancing of six (6) feet is required at all times.
      • Facility operator shall place delineators at sports stations to create a six (6)-foot distance between participants.
      • No rentals will be offered.
      • Safety equipment (such as foam earplugs, safety glasses) shall be disposable.
      • Private lessons will be allowed while practicing physical distancing. There shall be no lessons involving more than two (2) people.
      • No tournaments will be allowed.
      • Doors, entrances, and/or gates shall remain open during normal operational hours.
      • Payment of fees shall be done on-line and/or utilizing an outdoor facing window or door.
      • Food and beverage will be grab and go and will follow the Los Angeles County Public Health Order and protocols.
    • Model Airplane Areas
      • Physical distancing of six (6) feet is required at all times.
      • Face coverings are required at all times.
      • No group gatherings are allowed.
      • No tournaments are allowed.
      • Participants may only touch and handle their own model airplanes and gear.
    • Community Gardens
      • Face coverings are required at all times.
      • Physical distancing of six (6) feet is required at all times.
      • Volunteer events will not be allowed to avoid group gatherings.
      • Maximum number of participants in the garden at one time shall be determined by the size of the community garden and the number of plots.
      • Bring hand sanitizer or sanitizing wipes, or a Ziploc bag with soapy water and a washcloth. Wash your hands before and after you go to the garden.
      • Gloves are required while conducting gardening, including while handling tools and equipment.
      • Remove all personal items and trash before leaving the garden.
    • For more information on reopening, temporary closures, and other changes in response to COVID-19, visit the LA County Parks website.

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