Wednesday, May 13, 2020

CoViD-19: Support National Independent Venue Association Fight To #SaveOurStages

The empty Casbah stage with a sold out room. This is from the Nada Surf show in January

You may or may not know that I'm responsible for the content of the Casbah's weekly newsletters. This week, I was tasked with taking a little bit of the Belly Up's newsletter and a little bit of Joe Rinaldi's Music Box newsletter to create the Casbah's newsletter. Please take action to contact your representatives. It's preformatted and easy to do. Click here to take action:


If you love live music and have wanted to help your favorite small venues, NOW is the time YOU can help in a major way!

Casbah joined the National Independent Venue Association (NIVA) when it formed in response to the COVID-19 crisis.  NIVA has linked 1,200 independent venues and promoters across the country, and has joined their voices at the level necessary to get the attention of our congressional leaders.

This organization has a step that asks you, our fans, to use the link below to send an email to your congressional leaders to remind them that it is not only the venues and artists, but the fans they serve that require congress to support the venues put at risk by this crisis.

This email process is very quick to complete, and allows you to tell your representatives that Casbah, Soda Bar, Bar Pink, Music Box, Belly Up,  and every other small venue in town need to have every possible chance to reopen on steady footing at the end of the COVID-19 crisis.

It’s going to require that we show a substantial amount of support and initiative to explain to members of congress (who may not actively participate in live music) that our industry will require special attention, as one of the most challenged sectors of the San Diego economy, in order to survive and continue to be an asset to the community after the crisis.  We sincerely think you are our best advocates.

Thank you for everything, and just know that we can’t wait to reopen and host your favorite bands in our rooms.

We've been told that we only have until Wednesday to gather support, so please click and join our fight.


Some articles for reading:

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