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Familia (Taken 9.21.21) |
Monday was my mom's birthday but because of all the kids' overscheduled lives, we didn't celebrate until today. It was fun to be with family and now we've still got my birthday and Nadia's to come. Hers is the most anticipated, however, because she'll be able to be vaccinated, the last one of the family, until we all eventually get boosters, too. And yes, we're all maskless because my sister's family were all tested 3 times last week, the rest of us aren't really out in the world much, and there were fans and air purifiers running. It's risk assessment, i guess, and everyone has to choose for themselves, but you still won't find us in a restaurant anytime soon.
That is all to say that family time is why this post is so extremely late today. I don't go to bed until every email in my inboxes is read so I know what to expect for the rest of the week. I have to say, if you're a musician and you want to be taken seriously by anyone ever at any venue, your triple exclamation points and your ASAPs and your demands on marketing can take a hike. Venues, especially small ones, don't have a team, they usually have one or two people dodging bullets and putting out fires and juggling plates and whatever other metaphor you want. We, for example, currently have about 150 upcoming events and numerous shows to be booked. That your show isn't selling is more your problem than mine, especially if you're a local artist that isn't doing any of the legwork on your own end. So yeah. That's where I am today. There. I said what I said.
As for news- the UN General Assembly drama with France is like watching a Real Housewives episode, the Gabby Petito case is hard to look away from, and Joe Manchin is a piece of shit owned by fossil fuels lobbyists. He should be stripped of his chairman position on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and his conflicts of interest should be top news every day until he gets on the right side of history. Wednesday is the big gata dump day so I'll try to update sooner and get listings out there, too.
Stay safe out there.
- COVID-19:
- Johnson & Johnson Announces Real-World Evidence and Phase 3 Data Confirming Strong and Long-Lasting Protection of Single-Shot COVID-19 Vaccine in the U.S. - Janssen (9.21.21)
- 2 J&J Shots Better Than 1; Texas Abortion Doc Sued; Could iPhones Spot Depression? — A daily roundup of news on COVID-19 and the rest of medicine - MedPage Today (9.21.21)
- California is the only US state categorized as having Substantial community transmission, having fallen below the threshold of 100 weekly new cases per 100,000 population that corresponds to the High category. California’s test positivity is not reported by the CDC. The next 4 states are reporting between 125-150 weekly new cases per 100k: Connecticut (126.5), Colorado (127.9), Maryland (141.5), and Vermont (146.3). - Johns Hopkins Center for Public Health Sit Rep (9.21.21)
- Weekly epidemiological update on COVID-19 - 21 September 2021 - WHO
- ‘Delta has been brutal’: Covid-19 variant is decimating rural areas already reeling from the pandemic - STAT News (9.21.21)
- I Got a ‘Mild’ Breakthrough Case. Here’s What I Wish I’d Known. - KHN/NPR (9.20.21)
- Politics:
- The Manchin industry - Popular.Info (9.21.21)
- Solidarity ‘Missing in Action’, Secretary-General Tells General Assembly, Decrying ‘Malady of Mistrust’ while Stressing: ‘We Must Get Serious’ - United Nations (9.21.21)
- Governor Newsom Statement on Launch of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Initiative, House America
- Mayor Gloria Joins HUD Secretary Fudge to Launch House America to Address Homelessness. Initiative To Help San Diego Leverage Federal Resources To Support People Experiencing Homelessness - Mayor Todd Gloria Newsroom (9.20.21)
- Fewer Than 1% Of Local Residential Units Remain Vacant Long-Term, Study Finds - City News Service/kpbs (9.20.21)
- Governor Newsom Signs Executive Order 9.20.21 - Extends ability of local jurisdictions to continue public meetings remotely
- News:
- Record Meth, Prescription Drug, Fentanyl Deaths Reported in County - County News Center (9.21.21)
- Government:
- White House
- Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jen Psaki En Route Washington, D.C.
- Remarks by Vice President Harris After Meeting to Discuss the Importance of Passing the Build Back Better Agenda
- Remarks by President Biden Before the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly
- Readout of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.’s Meeting with President Barham Saleh of Iraq
- Remarks by President Biden and Prime Minister Morrison of Australia Before Bilateral Meeting
- Readout of President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s Meeting with Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia
- Readout of President Joseph R. Biden Jr’s. Call with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada
- Remarks by President Biden and Prime Minister Johnson of the United Kingdom Before Bilateral Meeting
- Readout of President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s Meeting with Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom
- Readout of Vice President Kamala Harris’s Meeting with Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Remarks by Vice President Harris and Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom Before Bilateral Meeting
- President Biden Announces Key National Security Nominations
- Nomination Sent to the Senate
- Statement by NSC Spokesperson Emily Horne on the First Round of U.S.-Germany Economic Dialogue
- State Dept
- Joint Statement of the C5+1 on Addressing the Climate Crisis
- Canada’s Federal Elections
- U.S. Supports Sudan’s Civilian-led Transition, Condemns Attempted Seizure of Power
- Dept of Justice
- Political Operatives Indicted for Alleged Scheme Involving Illegal Campaign Contribution to 2016 Presidential Campaign
- Justice Department Sues to Block Unprecedented Domestic Alliance Between American Airlines and JetBlue. Alliance Eliminates Competition in New York and Boston and Harms Air Travelers Nationwide
- Global COVID-19 Stats (JHU 9.22.21 12:21 am):
- 229,563,544 Known Cases/16,190,229 28-Day New Cases
- 4,709,292 Known Deaths/254,820 28-Day New Deaths
- US COVID-19 Stats
- CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Data Tracker
- American Academy of Pediatrics Children and COVID-19 Dashboard
- 42,413,485 Cases/4,219,654 28 Day New Cases
- 678,502 Deaths/46,745 28-Day New Deaths
- CDC Data Tracker:
- +91,205 New Cases/42,234,211 Known Cases
- +1,334 New Deaths/675,071 Known Deaths
- 467,249,715 Doses Delivered
- 386,780,816 Doses Administered
- 212,255,202 Partially Vaccinated
- 182,012,343 Fully Vaccinated
- 54.8% of Total Population
- 64.1% of Population ≥ 12 Years of Age
- 66% of Population ≥ 18 Years of Age
- California COVID-19 Stats:
- State of California Safe Schools For All Hub
- Vaccination progress dashboard
- Coronavirus: Resources for Californians
- R-effective: 0.75
- 56,573,985 Doses Delivered/48,666,192 Doses Administered
- 2,804,408 Partially Vaccinated/25,534,194 Fully Vaccinated
- 8,075 New Cases/4,428,117 Total Cases (21.1 new cases/100k)
- 97 New Deaths/67,628 Total Deaths (0.2 new deaths/100k)
- 2.9% 7-day test positivity rate
- 6,413 COVID-19 Hospitalizations (+15 patients, +0.2% from prior day)
- 1,766 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized in CA (+4 patients, +0.2% from prior day)
- 1,816 ICU beds available (+52 from prior day)
- San Diego County
- Free Testing Sites and Schedule in San Diego
- Vaccination Locations San Diego
- Vaccination Dashboard
- COVID ActNow Daily Updates for San Diego Metro
- San Diego Unified School District COVID Dashboard
- CDC Data:
- 1,633,531 Fully Vaccinated
- 48.9% of Total Population
- 57.1% of Population ≥ 12 Years of Age
- 57.5% of Population ≥ 18 Years of Age
- State Data:
- R-effective: 0.75
- 354 New Cases/349,579 Total Cases
- 3.4% Daily Positivity
- 3 Deaths/4,009 Total Deaths
- 466 COVID-19 hospitalized patients (-7 patients, -1.5% from prior day)
- 151 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized patients (-4 patients, -2.6% from prior day)
- 235 ICU beds available (+19 from prior day)
- County Data:
- San Diego County COVID-19 Watch
- High Number of COVID-19 Deaths Continues to Be Reported
- 685 New Cases/350,267 Total Cases
- 12 New Daily Deaths/4,021 Total Deaths
- 4.0% Daily Test Positivity/3.6% 7-day average
- +36 Day Over Day COVID-19 Hospitalizations
- +7 Day Over Day COVID-19 ICU Patients
- Universities:
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