Sunday, September 26, 2021

CoViD-19: SDUSD Mulls Vax Mandate | Scott Peters Puts Pharma First |


Elephant Herd at San Diego Zoo Safari Park (Taken 9.16.21)

I'm gonna keep it short today and try to continue that trend for my birthday week. I had a really great day because my mom came over after my nieces' soccer games and Darren and I took her to San Diego Zoo Safari Park. She hadn't been in over five years so we took the park slowly and covered most of the park. She was teasing me how all the animals seem to come to me no matter which enclosure we're observing and while I'd like to believe that's true, really it was just the perfect cool and overcast weather that seems to make them so happy. 

I'm not sure what's happening with the State's website, it shows that it is updated by day but the numbers are still the same as Friday, which I only caught because it was such an unusual number of cases on Friday: 4,448,666. 

I've been trying to bury my head in the sand while congress hammers out the two major bills pressing forward, because as Jen Psaki would say, nobody wants to see how the sausage gets made, but finding out San Diego Democratic Congressman Scott Peters joined the Republicans in a committee vote against moving forward from the House Budget Committee. Obviously he has all the pharmaceutical corporations in his district, but he sure did get a fat payday after making moves as such earlier in the month. Get with the party or GTFO. 

My dad is still in the hospital and miserable without my mom tending to his every itch or ouch. I hope they keep him a few more days but I also know he's scared and doesn't want to die there, especially being alone. I'm hopeful that his good doctors and science can offer him relief soon, and just grateful that he has a bed and a room and the care he really needs right now, because if we were impacted by crisis of care standards, I'm afraid he might not be top of the list. 

Stay safe out there.   

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