Monday, September 03, 2007

Sunday Recap: Everything I Didn't Plan

I had full intentions of participating in all the great shit that San Diego had to offer on Sunday... namely the Tower Bar and their early show and BBQ, then the Beauty Bar and the rad bands playing. But what happened was my cousin made it to San Diego, as did my uncle, so we headed to PB to my sister's for the afternoon, with a walk down to Athena, an hyper airconditioned Greek restaurant with excellent food, then back to my sister's, then home for a nap, because what else is there to do when it's 90 degrees in your apartment? Then a shower and off to hang with my girls like old times. We hung at Sara's apartment in Cortez Hill for a few pre drinks, then walked downtown. We hit up Stout, a new Irish Pub where Cafe Cerise was, and it was dead but we made our best of it, caught a cab back to Sara's, because after drinks in this heat, whos wants to walk uphill 6 blocks?

From there I was outvoted, and we decided to hit up the Lamplighter, which, once upon a time, was our stomping grounds. It was insanely packed and we felt insanely out of place, so one drink and I convinced my old friends to check out the Pink Elephant. There was room to breathe, the drinks were cheap, and we grabbed a booth and had the heart to hearts we haven't had in a long time. Though eventually it was time for half of us to get home, so Stef and I dropped Sara and Connie off and I was dropped at the Ken to close the night where I was probably way overserved if I had anywhere real to be on Monday. But I don't! It's Labor Day, dammit.

All in all, a great night with my girls, but I have my whole Things to Do thing list that I probably won't get a chance to do tomorrow. So all I can say is don't miss Okkervil River and Damien Jurado at the Cabah for the Anti Monday League. Everything else does not matter. It's approaching 4 am so I'm actually going to sleep early. I'll do my best to put a list together later, but sorry if I lack internet access. You know, a day of family and BBQs and shit, and I can't make any promises.

1 comment:

Lazy John said...

It was good to see you at the Sunday Mondo Bizarro. I don't get to be a part of it as much as I'd like (my wife is off on Fridays), but I'll be there this Friday from 6 to 9 with Pete from KCR, filling in for Juliancito and the boys, who will be doing the Rockabilly Shakeout at Tio Leo's for the first time (it used to be at Chasers). Keep up the great work.