Come On Feel The Noise: Another Cop Crackdown On Live Music
Eric from the Modlins sent me the following account of the show last night at the Zombie Lounge. This is really starting to bum me out. As it is, Beauty Bar shows are ending by 11 on weeknights, Sports Club had to stop booking bands for over a month, Chaser's noise has stopped at least two shows (and resulted in the brawl that has me now excluding the venue from my listings), and pretty soon the encroaching housing could possibly affect other venues, like the Casbah (with the new high priced condos across the street). Just out of curiousity, can I call a noise complaint on my asshole landlord who installed the biggest A/C unit I've ever seen right outside my bedroom window and runs it all night long? Or how about the 3 a.m. Starbucks delivery guy who slams his carts for a good hour every night? If people want quiet, they can move to the burbs. Or wear earplugs. so last night matt, dee and I went to the beta lion show at the zombie lounge. it went pretty late (beta lion started after midnight), but as they had just started their second to last song, one of the guys from the zombie lounge came up to OP (sp?) on stage mid-song and whispered something to him. OP then stopped playing, turned to the audience and said "okay sorry guys, new song .. it's called the cops are here." they apologized and had to stop playing. apparently they thought one of the people at the apartment complex across El Cajon had called the police. I guess this has happened before on late sunday shows. no crazy drama though, but everyone was bummed. and the venue and beta lion just felt bad. SDSC, Chasers, Zombie lounge. It's hard to be a venue in san diego.
Thanks for the tip, Eric!
I know you've mentioned the Casbah a few times but can you seriously imagine someone living that directly in the flight zone calling in a noise complaint!? Especially with the families living directly above?
It'd be like buying a house in the vicinity of the zoo and then complaining about the smells and noise...
I agree with you as far as the comparison, but people who buy suddenly feel entitled when they drop half a million (or more)on a home. It's like people in PB complaining about summer beach traffic and summer partying. It's really stupid to complain, but it doesn't mean they don't.
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