They sounded good, but there was a little too much time in the breakdown so I didn't stay for the next band, who I think were Castillo. The event has Pennysaver sponsorship and should be better promoted than it was because a day in the park with free music could be a bigger neighborhood draw.

From there, it was home for a good nap before I headed off to the Casbah. It's so funny, as much as I love the Casbah, I'm averse to going there on the weekends because there's always the competition for parking with the downtown-y people going to Airport. Still, I love the bands and decided to go.
Jake was doing sound and I've never heard The Vision of A Dying World sound better. It was obvious that a lot of people have gotten their hands on the new CD because there was lots of singing along and all.

After The Vision, Matt Curreri and the Ex-friends were up. Again, a good amount of people were up front singing along. Ray Suen impressed as always whether he was on guitar, violin, or plucking the banjo.

The night was put together for the CD Release Party of Billy Midnight but by that point of the night, I was getting antsy and having to drive I had to head to home base, so I'll have to catch Billy Midnight another time because from what I heard, they are a band I'd like and they fit well with the two openers.
I got to the Ken Club shortly after 1 and Tiltwheel had most of the bar side cleared out and watching their show. It was totally different than the rest of my day, but the fast driving punk was actually a good way to end the night and accompanied my washington apple well.

As nights do, it came to last call and Todd and Jason came over and hung out for a while before it was time for me to crash. Come today I had to decide that I needed a day of decompression and skipped Pride and the Zombie Lounge in favor of tending to my barfing cat, my poopy dog, and my new laptop...a good weekend for sure...
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