Regardless, I took some pics that I've yet to post, so I thought I should post.
First, I mentioned my little sister's birthday on Saturday. All my mom's daycare kids were there. My mom had this agenda for the party and all the parents were there, too. So it was fun, especially watching the kids cheat on the limbo and getting to act as a judge during the dance contest. It was actually a really a good time for me. I had the privilege of working at my mom's daycare for 6 months a couple years back and I would do it all again if it paid my bills. Since it doesn't, I enjoy my chances to hang with the kids whose needs are simple and whose personalities are already well established.
Sunday I didn't do a whole lot, but I did go to dinner and the park with my family. Since Claudia had a friend at her birthday and was acting "too cool" for pictures at her party, I made sure to get her on Sunday.
I really had planned on going to see Inigo at the Zombie Lounge but it was kinda nice just vegging out at home and watching my HBO shows.
I did motivate on Monday night, however. I went to Anti-Monday League at the Casbah. I missed The Amalgamated, but was there in time to see Mighty Six-Ninety. Tim told me that they are from LA, but the singer is originally from Oceanside and considers San Diego "home".
There are some very distinct memories that I have from my childhood, filled with a lot of holes but sorta just flashes of moments. I very distinctly walking down my street, bowl haircut, tank top, red shorts, like the old gym ones that had white edging, knee high socks, sneakers, and carrying on my shoulder a little silver radio in which I was booming "My Sharona" on my then, favorite radio station, Mighty 690. It was pre-91X, I was maybe 5?, and the station was playing the stuff of the early 80's.
It is with good reason, then, that Might Six-Ninety chose the name they have. Their sound goes back to the 80's...right in there with Echo and the Bunnymen or early Depeche Mode and the like. I think he has a great voice for that style of music and I didn't have any issues that there wasn't much originality to their sound. Derivative music doesn't bother me at all when it's good. I could easily see them in a high school dance scene in any of John Waters' older movies. 
Manganista was the final band of the night. I don't know if I expected them to be a bit harder (-ista to me usually means hardcore), or if I was in an off mood or what, but I wasn't really into their sound. I mean, I'm pretty averse to anything even near reggae anyway, but it felt to me like a scene in a movie where the characters are outside drinking maitais in the Bahamas and there's a band playing rock songs with a calypso reggae twist on them. Maybe it was their opening with "Mother And Child Reunion" that just made me feel like it was karaoke. They had a decent sized crowd to see them compared to Mighty Six-Ninety, so I know I stand alone on my general feeling, but they just weren't my thing. I met a couple of them after the show and they were definitely cool guys and apparently Andrea went to high school with several of them. They are playing at Pride on Saturday...maybe the sunshine and a wild crowd will give a different perspective.
Anyway, I didn't go out last night, so no recap, but apologies for completely blanking on my listings. Silverbird played at the Belly Up with Bartender's Bible and the Deere Johns and I thought I had it listed but apparently I did not. Sorry to Justin and Bubba and crew.
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