Friday, May 02, 2008

Camera Fund

I wanted to give a huge thanks to my sweet and lovely friends who donated to my camera fund. I bit the bullet and bought a new camera on an impulse, and I might've even gone for the better version of the Sony Cybershot, but it wasn't in stock and I had to get to 4th&B that night. If anyone else wants to open their hearts to contribute, you can still always donate via PayPal with the button on the right.

Last night I went to see Cut Copy at the Red Bull Air Race Terminal and then followed up with The Ringers and Hotel St. George at the Beauty Bar. I'll write about both later, but I wanted to post a couple pictures since between the two shows I took over 400 pictures. I was having fun exploring my settings and playing with the lights, and here are a couple of my favorite results, and I'm impressed with my little point and shoot, considering I was about 10 feet away from the singer. I cannot wait to take pictures at the FM 94/9 Independence Jam.

Cut Copy, San Diego Red Bull Air Race Terminal, 5.2.08

Cut Copy, San Diego Red Bull Air Race Terminal, 5.2.08

The Ringers, Beauty Bar, 5.2.08

1 comment:


dig the new banner/logo, looks good!