On second thought…
This is Andre Che from Cape May. I’m writing to notify you that as of last week,Obviously he is talking about Andrew. I'd like a reply, Bern...
your tidbit in the gossip column [“Locals Only,” Jan. 10] about Cape May’s
breaking up was incorrect. The article, however, prompted us over the course of
the last two weeks to break up, after all.
We initially went on hiatus to
work on our separate projects and planned on resuming work in February. After
much thought and contemplation, however, I realized I could not bring myself to
go back to our contrived, watered-down blues-rock recipe that so many bands are
doing today.
We started off as an original, progressive act, then lost
ourselves while trying to sound like everyone else. Furthermore, you’d think
that any “heart and soul” rock band that was given the opportunity to tour would
choose to do so, but I guess some people would just rather stay home and take
care of their cats.
I’d like to thank Ted Wigler, Troy Johnson, Mark Sweat
and Incite Entertainment, Robert Rochin, Tim Pyles, Dryw Keltz, Chuck Schiele,
Bart Mendoza, Tim Mays and our friends and fans for a viciously great ride.
Andre Che,
Ocean Beach
I published this yesterday, but out of respect for a friend, I removed it. I thought I should repost and comment on a couple things. First, bands break up all the time for various reasons, if any other Cape May members would like to respond, I'd be happy to post those responses. Being kinda close to the situation, I feel like it was really stupid for Damien (Andre) to write this letter to CityBeat, but the publication was irresponsible in publishing it. The original piece in Locals Only appeared on January 10th and the letter was written approximately a week later. Any ill will or sour feelings had been, at least on the surface, mended. Now this letter has published with really bad timing and the pot has been stirred again. That's all I will say about that situation.
On a personal note, I resent the cat comment immensely. I have a small animal farm and if I have to make sacrifices for their well being it's because I'm a good person and shouldn't be faulted for it, nor should any other pet owner. If I can't take month long sabbaticals in Europe, that is my choice and my responsibility. Thirty is the new twenty, orange is the new black, and pets are the new kids. Deal.
1 comment:
I've had more words with Damien (Andre Che) about this in the past month or so than should have ever come out of it and it all has really become one huge blowup.
I can't write anything nice about the guy because of what he's said and done to the rest of us in the band, not one good thing at all, but I still love Mark and Dusty like brothers.... so I'll just say it's really good to rest the Cape May hat permanently and let that whole thing wash away to some deserted island.
"A Better Time Coming".....
- Andrew
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