I missed Dee Ray, so no review there. And not to be lame, but I've seen and talked about The Roman Spring and Republic of Letters so much it would be pretty redundant for me to elaborate any more than saying I like both bands. Andrea pointed out that The Roman Spring sounded very "Strokes-y" and I'd agree with the assessment. They probably should've turned down a little last night, but I had my handy earplugs so I was fine.
I'm a fan of setlists, so here they are:
The Roman Spring
Republic of Letters had me singing along so I'm really looking forward to the advance copy of their release that I know they are going to get to me as soon as they read this post. I also know that at their next show they will reinstate my lifetime guest list spot that I was promised.
I do not really ever talk about Swim Party. That is mostly because in my recollection, I've only seen them live once or twice and it's definitely been a while, despite knowing Alex and Eric socially for a while now. I love Evervess, Eric's other project and I was so impressed with Swim Party last night. They sounded so good and clean and were quiet in a great way, and the other bands even noticed. They said it was because they usually practice in Alex's kitchen, so they have to be quiet.
Eric is a great vocalist and reminiscent at times of Isaac Brock of Modest Mouse. I don't want to embarass anyone, but if Sassy magazine was still around, I would say Swim Party would definitely show up on the Cute Band Alert. I am gonna get so much shit for writing that. They are playing again next week at the Whistle Stop in support of the Modlins CD release party. (The Ex-Friends are NOT on this bill, thanks Eric for the correction) I highly recommend checking them out and bring $15 of non-drinking cash. $10 for the cool Swim Party shirts and $5 for the EP which are each hand sewn, decorated, and numbered. Each one is unique.
On second thought, make that $30 non drinking cash, cuz you have to buy Modlins merch, too.
Here's the setlist from Swim Party:
I will post the photos later today.
yeah the fifty show was pretty crowded for a powder room night.
Hey. I thought the Swim Party shirts were $10... ?
I used to read, and love, Sassy... You are right on the money. We usually have to reach into our pasts in order to describe the present, and sometimes that past might be a tad embarrassing... I say: you rock, Rosey!
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