Monday, February 05, 2007

Weekend Recap: Friday- Music Trivia Night

What an incredible weekend. I hope it was for you all as well.

My Friday afternoon started with an awesome lunch at the bar at Ponce's. If you have never had Ponce's, you are missing out. Seriously. I spent lunch talking music with Ponce, Jr. and showed him this here blog, but forgot to mention that I kinda started a food one, too, that is currently on hiatus. But I did review Ponce's back in
December, so you can check it out.

But this blog isn't about food, so on with business. Andrea called and told me that she found a buyer for our Cat Empire tickets, so I had to drop it off at her work, then settled in to a short nap. Sara and I met up with Andrea, Troy, Matt, Sara's friend Summer, Seth and a few others at Wine Steals. It was packed and people kept swiping tables, but we finally settled into an area and ordered some food and continues with our wine consumption. The group dissipated as everyone slowly trickled over to the Sports Club for Blasphemous Guitars and Music Trivia Night. It was packed. I believe the final count was 15, and most of the teams had 5 people (though Michael was brave with just a pair). A majority of the players were either in bands or writers or both...from CityBeat, the Union Trib, bloggers, etc.

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Troy is cuckoo for questions

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The team I wasn't invited to be on

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Kyle, Brooke, Andrew

I teamed up with the guys from Orion Frequency and their girlfriends. This is how my team looks if you're on Acid. I don't know what setting my camera was on but it screwed up a ton of my pics.
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We finished in 4th place (I think). Bart Mendoza's team won the pot of $235 bucks. It was funny though, how as soon as the game was over, most everyone split. SDSC has a dark cloud over it, for sure.

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The Winners

I met up with Kelly and friends at Happy Hour, but it was pretty dead and I needed to get closer to home, so I headed to the Ken for last call. The bands had just wrapped up but I was in time for a couple drinks and finally called it a night.


adamg said...

SUCH a fun night. Thanks for coming out...and reminding me to give you a shout out!

Caley Cook said...

If I had made the team up, I so would have invited you! Great pic of our crowd though -- it about sums it up.