Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Street Scene kindaalmostreallyconfirmed At Del Mar Fairgrounds

From today's Union Trib:

Contract addresses drugs, obscenity at Street Scene

DEL MAR: The board that oversees operation of the
Del Mar Fairgrounds approved a contract yesterday to host the music festival
Street Scene on Sept. 22 and 23.

The contract, which has not yet been signed,
would prohibit Street Scene's Los Angeles-based producer from allowing the
display or sale of drug paraphernalia or any obscene or offensive material.

Last month, the board of directors for the 22nd
District Agricultural Association, which operates the fair, heard from substance
abuse prevention groups who were concerned about drug and alcohol use at Street
Scene. Yesterday, a few of those groups repeated their concerns, and thanked the
board for addressing them.

“I'm very confident that we can be the host
of this event and do it in a safe and secure manner,” said fairgrounds general
manager and CEO Tim Fennell. –E.F.

Now just sign the damn thing!!

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