Friday, March 30, 2007

Friday Newsy Bits: Troy Johnson on the radio

As you know, our boy Troy Johnson and his show Fox Rox got the axe from Fox.
A week later, his other TV show, Outta Left Field, a Padres pre-game show, saw the axe swing, too.
Well, he's back on the saddle and will be on Free FM 103.7 tonight from 10p-12a with Edwin Decker doing a talk show. They will talk about anything and everything, so if you're around a radio, tune in, and if you're really fired up about something (like corporate television stations not willing to take a loss for community programming) call in and talk to them. The number to call is 619.570.1037.
Good luck, Troy. We're all pulling for ya.
There's a dude whose music project is called
The Secret Handshake and his shit ain't half bad. It makes me wanna shake my ass and you know I'm not one who usually shakes my ass. He's filming his music video in San Diego next week. He needs people to be in that video. Here's his message:

i'm gonna be filming my next MUSIC VIDEO for "SUMMER OF '98" - SATURDAY APRIL 7th and SUNDAY APRIL 8th in SAN DIEGO, CA... NEXT WEEKEND!!

i need people to be in it !!

so if you're in the SAN DIEGO/LOS ANGELES area ext bweekend and are available sat or sun - send an email to:

please include your name, email, phone and myspace address so they can get in touch with you and give you more details!

see you there!!

That's the news for now. I'm off to wine cabana to pretend I'm a lawyer for hosted wine and hors d'oeuvres. You should, too! (hey, they put it on a public website. I can't help it.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sucks. I kinda liked "Outta Left Field".