Monday, March 26, 2007

More Monday News: Vinyl Radio, Insound, VMix

In the ever shuffling of drummers for Vinyl Radio, Dusty, former drummer of Cape May, is going to be joining the band. The band decided he was a better fit and has long been a good friend. After a tour to SXSW, with no bad feelings to Cooper, they felt that Dusty should've been there with them. Buddy Rose (their original drummer) will be playing the Ken Club show on April 6th with Roman Spring, The Sundelles, and the Muslims. Dusty's first show with Vinyl Radio will be April 28th at the Casbah.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Vinyl Radio's music was also used for a commercial for The Village Hat Shoppe. Check it out!

VMix is really irritating me and the embedded videos below just aren't working for everyone, so if you'd like to see the videos of The Small Hours, please just link to my Vmix page here.
Last thing for now- I still have an InSound coupon for you. Enter coupon code 'good_music_rules' for 10% off your order until 4/9/07. Click the Insound link on the right side of this webpage. Andrea finally took my advice and got her Earlove Earplugs. They're $10 and worth it in every way.


Unknown said...

Dusty, give me back my spiderman costume!

andrea said...

I love those Earlove Earplugs even more than I love that pic of Dusty (which looks like it was taken in the 8th grade but actually taken in his 20's)

catdirt said...

is there anything hats CAN'T do?