We didn't mean to get to the Beauty Bar so early, but we did, and there wasn't much of a crowd when we arrived, which left plenty of room for Dusty to ride Andrew's bike through the bar, but everyone seemed to come in one huge rush later and by the time the Swedish Models took the stage, the room was packed with people and full of anticipation. The stage was setup with two sets of keyboards, 2 guitars, bass, and two drum kits facing one another, sharing a kick drum.

Unfortunately we had to wait a little longer because the power on one half of the stage kept surging out, but the band brought toys, noisemakers, and bubbles so the crowd entertained themselves until they finally started.

Vocals are mostly shared between Andrew and Ryan, though Dusty sang a song, too (my favorite of the night), drums are shared between Dusty and Andrew McNally, and keys are played by Andrew Bernhart and Dusty. Mark stays on the bass and Ryan and Andrew play guitar, sometimes alone, sometimes together. Needless to say, there's a lot going on during their show. The energy was high and the talents of all the guys onstage is unquestionable, and it was a lot to try to pull off in one show. Despite some major tech difficulties during their 5th song, however, I would say they pulled it off quite well.

They played 6 songs, and each song Dusty revealed a new shirt. The final song had a big long dramatic finish, I'm guessing the song clocks in around 9 minutes, but a shorter version might be a worthy consideration since the songs are rockin but still bouncy and playful enough to be good for radio.

I was hanging up front most of the show, but after getting bumped repeatedly by the dancing maniacs, I decided to cut back and enjoy the band from afar during that final song. The band patio was packed. I sought refuge in the bar, and it too, was packed, so after the Swedish Models finished I decided to cut out. I missed the Flesh, but it was so packed, I knew I couldn't enjoy myself had I stayed any longer.

Instead, I drove home and walked to the Ken Club. In the bar, my Reader article was posted on the mirror so my bartender friends could make fun and jab a little more. They poured my drinks extra strong and threw in a couple shots, too, and let's just say it was a good thing I only had to walk home that night. I did take a couple pictures of one of the bands but someone will need to id them before I post. Because it was that good of a night. Sorry to anyone who got stuck talking to me as I talked gibberish. I swear that only happens once in a looong while.
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