Wednesday, May 30, 2007

SD:Dialed In & Chickrawker Present: Great Northern

Great Northern are playing at the Beauty Bar this Friday and I'm happy to announce that Gabe Vega has been kind enough to allow ChickRawker and SD:Dialed In to co-present the show.

Great Northern is getting tons of buzz in LA and their new release Trading Twilight For Daylight is lushly layered indie-pop that will not disappoint. You can listen to Great Northern on FM 94/9 tomorrow afternoon at 5pm with Halloran and then come out and see them on Friday night at the Beauty Bar.

I have one prize pack to give away courtesy of their label, Eenie Meenie Records.
Add my new MySpace page for SD:Dialed In (if you haven't already) and send a message that you are interested in the prize pack, with your first and last name and a phone number where you can be reached, and I'll pick a winner at random. Enter by 5pm Thursday.

Prize Pack:
-Admission for you and a guest
-Great Northern CD (autographed by the band)
-Great Northern T-Shirt.

For a couple Mp3 samples, click these links:
The Middle

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Anonymous said...

I would like to win a contest!

Am I eligible? I never get to win!

:) cheers, and congrats!


catdirt said...

hey kudos to both of you. that is truly, truly awesome. im stoked and if i was in town this weekend, i would have gone and bought merch and shit.