Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Trail of Dead

If you plan on going to the Trail of Dead show, you might wanna read here and here first. Lots of fighting going on within the band, apparently. Or maybe that makes you wanna go to the show even more just to see what happens...


lyn said...

they have always been a train wreck. when they were here for their "worlds apart" tour they didn't get along either. and they destroyed part of the stage at canes.

so that is just part of the fun!!!

davidfennema said...

Heh heh... I saw them destroy the suspended ceiling and damage some of the walls at TT's in Boston a couple years ago ("source tags" tour). Good live show!

andrea said...

These guys generally go a little nuts on their instruments, and it seems natural, so it's def part of the fun...

But I've seen them play 3 times in the last couple years, even gotta chance to kick it with them on their tour bus after the Brick by Brick show, and they've always seemed to mesh pretty well with each other.
For what my 2 cents are worth.

catdirt said...

oh so andrea's "kicking it on the tour bus" w aywkubttotd... sounds like a riot.

andrea said...

That's what happens when their photographer thinks I'm at the show alone cause my bf's outside smoking.
Was actually pretty tame-- smoked out of an apple, had a few beers and watched "Heartworn Highways". At the time, the whole band was pretty obsessed with this DVD.

And by the way, catdirt (if that's even your real name), it's not ...totd, it's ...Trail of Dead. Riot that, buddy.