Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Thunder Stealing: Wilco vs. Son Volt

The new Son Volt album "The Search" was released yesterday (which I am listening to at the moment). It was also yesterday that I may or may not have followed a link to a site that may or may not have given me access to the entire new Wilco album that was legally previewed on Saturday on Wilco's website and then subsequently illegally uploaded onto the interWeb so people like me may or may not sneak a listen. The history of Jay Farrar and Jeff Tweedy is well known, so I don't need to go into it here, but anyone suspect the timing was deliberate or is it just coincidence?

Either way, here's a site that has an MP3 of a new Wilco track. Oh, and here's another one.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Unrelated, but BRMC tickets go on sale for there US tour. SD's the second show of the tour.