Thursday, March 01, 2007

Thursday Ramblings

You know what's even better than seeing "Arcade Fire" listed on the marquee on my way in to the office? Seeing it on my way home:
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If you missed the pre-sale (like I did), just a note that tickets for Damien Rice (Spreckels, 5/1) go on sale officially tomorrow at 10 am. Also onsale tomorrow- tickets for Regina Spektor. Also, on-sale Saturday, The Shins are playing Soma April 12. Screw you scalper bastards!
I'm a huge fan of Google alerts ever since Troy turned me on to them. If you're not familiar, you basically set search terms and anytime something hits on the web, you get an e-mail with relevant links to those search parameters. One of my searches is "Coachella", so in addition to anything related to the festival, I get any article about news in the Coachella Valley. I just thought I would point out that yesterday I got one about high school soccer and I was kinda stunned to see that Coachella Valley High School is "Home of the Arabs". sheesh. And people had a problem with the Aztecs?
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If you're a Kaiser Chiefs fan, the new album will be released 3.27.07, but you can sneak peak the first single by clicking here for the e-card.
I've been loving this song lately and I think you will, too.

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