Well, at least I've made it through the first week of my catch up posts. By Sunday, the 16th, I was pretty wiped from two late nights in a row, so I stayed home and spent the majority of the night writing my CityBeat column for the week. Fortunately, I submitted a lot more words than I needed, so I didn't have to scramble later in the week for my column that published today. That meant I stayed home Monday night, too, because those Things To Do lists I do take a long time to throw together, and my house needed some attention.
By Tuesday, I was ready to go back out for more good times, and headed to the Casbah for C.L.A. and Diablo Dimes, though I missed Royal Campaign.
I was a fan of C.L.A. back in the day, though I rarely got the chance to see them with Steve Foth because I was underage. Still, it was nice to see Dennis Borlek and Steve Poltz playing those old tunes and bringing back some memories of listening to Lou Niles on Loudspeaker back in the day.
I watched some of the show, as various people made their way to the stage to pound pints of Guiness, but I also hung out in the Atari Lounge for a while with Wendy who recently moved back to San Diego.
After CLA, Diablo Dimes played, and his voice still kills me every time I see him. And the kazoo? Yeah, what can words can really impress how cool that is?
That was pretty much my night, headed home and was asleep before my head even hit the pillow.
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