Monday, April 02, 2007

Monday Newsy Bits:

Local music controversy or just shit talking? As Lost Companion points out here and here, lots of people are not very happy with some music reviews done in last week's CityBeat, specifically ones by Seth Combs. Did he get stuck reviewing all the shitty bands or does he just really like to talk shit? Here are some of Seth's reviews for you to decide for yourself...

"Ever have to fart really bad and you force it out and end up shitting your pants? That feeling is similar to listening to xxx's CD. It's like Captain Beefheart trying to do minimalist electronica only to find out that in order for said electronica to sound good, this time you have to keep a beat."

"There's got to be more to your music than screaming in unison over rehashed Metal 101 riffs. Somewhere in space, there's a tear in Lemmy's whiskey. "

"The XXX guitarist used to be in Rust, who were briefly signed to a major label and toured with Tool and the Meat Puppets. They weren't that good. Neither is XXX."

"Schmaltzy, barf-inducing wuss-rock with lyrics like “We'll find land with no direction/ Or I'll be swimming 'til I die." Waah, she doesn't love me. Waah, she's fucking another guy. Grow some balls and get some real problems. "

"Remember The Cranberries? Yeah, me neither. "

here for more...
Is your band interested in playing the San Diego County Fair? There is a Battle of The Bands competition happening. Go to or the Fair site for info. The winning band will receive a $1,000 cash prize and priority in booking a performance on the Coors Light Rock On Stage on a high-traffic day. Submit your music by May 12.
Just wanted to let everyone know my updates might be more sporatic this week because I'm going on vacation with my family. I'll update if and when I can.


catdirt said...

seth is entitled to his opinion and any band/musician that can't take a bad review in the "great demo review" of san diego city beat needs to buy a fucking clue. grow up, whiny local musicians.

catdirt said...

hey those lost companion links are "404B: File Not Found" fyi.

catdirt said...

ok- i found them- he changed the name to openingband so it's like or something like that.